/Cape/ - capeshit and shonenspergery

SidCHAD mogs all the JOBBERjaks
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This is a containment board or /tv/,/co/,and /a/, type posting of shonen mangas and superhero comics and everything in between?
You don't like the MCU? cry about it here
Did CHADREN destroy your brain? Cry about it here.
Come in you filthy amigos!

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Cowshit is the best shit folks

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Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed…

30 year old Mike Heslin dies ‘unexpectedly’ MSM baffled:

2 star Marine general found dead:

Sheriff policeman died from medical emergency:

16 year old boy in New Zealand:

17 year old chinese sports player:
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Where Sidson?


they would've lived if only you wore your mask


Really puts life in perspective! You could die right now, no previous problems. Just here one moment and the next…. Gone.


Athletes seem really over represented here

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The prequels are peak /cape/


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Rodians are built for big Herglic poodoo


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I like funnier Joker than some edgelord Psycho or some "Society made me bad" guy.
That's why I like him on Batman: The Brave and the Bold TV show. That show was just AWESOME!


Joker in Arkham Knight was pretty funny honestly I think they did a good job writing his character.

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>shitjak.deaddy had a tranime board
>sidson.city has a based manime board for real aryan men


Yup. I can talk about Baki the Grappler and The Nutshack in peace and have an awesome thread.



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Organic webs for Spidey didn't use to spook me until these days-

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I know this ain't shonen, but would it be okay to post seinen?


I.I guess?

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post your monsters and other such creatures


Neat meat


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More of a scribble master guy meself

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Damn, son!


Okay. This is just retarded.


Don’t blame me,blame marvel writers

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