/SotM/ - Son of the Mask

the funny green man
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Ice tea must've left it in your other pants. It's adequate But it misses the iconic orange hair.
7.5/10 :

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ID’d Dan here to save the day



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Sidperbowl when?


Soon. Next year perhaps.

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You will never be ID'd
you have no mask,you aren't even employed here.
You are a jobless deadbeat waiting to be iced,dripped life by a slowly dwindling IV.
All the 'merry parties" you go to are done out of pity or in an attempt to humiliate you. All your "co-workers" laugh at how embarrassing you make parties behind your back. Bouncers are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of hours of training have heightened their senses on kicking out worthless scum like you. Your IV is a dead givaway. And even if you manage to weasel yourself in they'll almost immediately realize their mistake and evict your sickly butt out of the premises.
You will never dance and you will never boogie. You "practice" your fake shimmying in the mirror,not even your dog can find entertainment in your shambling form.
Eventually it will be too much to bear,you'll sell your house,your pets, you won't even be able to afford your Loaner vehical. You'll never have a child to carry your name. Your IV will run dry and you will perish quietly. All that will be left is a job record showing you never were issued an ID in your life. This is your fate,there is no turning back.

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Uh oh,Nas cubby


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Quick rundown on the BoVncers
>Maskchads and SneedCels KNEEL to the Bouncers
>in contact with The Loaners
>rumoured to possess ID sensing psychic abilities
>control Fringe City ,Edge City and
>direct descendants of the ancient Trickster God/Loaner blood line
>will Supervise the first parties on Mars (Boncerahalla will be the first city)
>in the process of terraforming Asgard as their personal planet
>Door Men for basically every DNA editing and Identification research ability on Earth
>first designer babies will be trained to be Bouncers
>both said to have 400+ IQ
>ancient Nordic scriptures tell of three guardian loaners who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of Boogieing and unprecedented technological progress with them
>These are the Bouncers
>They own Nanobot I&D labs around the world
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brightest ID'ea i have ever seen

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The bouncer is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a bully, tyrant, thug, goon, it all runs off him like an ID off a coat pocket. But call him IV? And you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I said ID,not IV.”

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Average maskchad talk

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