/kino/ - Non Sotm Cinema

/SotM/ was too kino to be kept here.
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From Ziggy the Maniac to The Dancing Triangle come on down!

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like Elijah to Christ is shanks to SotM.

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Just watched Son of White Mare (Feherlofia) from 1981 Hungary.
This was the most beautiful animated movie of all the time.
not just in god tier visuals, but in voice acting. voices are superb and so calm, like i am listening to a fairy tale.
my favorite is sun and moon motif of the gryphon
visuals are god tier, like some sort of a dream. things often transform from one thing into other. it uses different colors to indicate shadows and light. characters look extremely flat, but it feels like i am watching some mural by ancients or something because of that
story wise, first part with the horse is gorgeous and best part, but the rest of movie isn't bad.
when you think about it, it's good that there are no subversions and twists from time to time
if you prefer story and charaters, this isn't a movie for you, but if you looove A E S T H E T I C S you will adore this movie.

this is the peak of movie


Berry nice.

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Lynchian Mario Bonechiller

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PVSSchads… Get your milk


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