/gen/ - General

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File: 1692110196829.png (394.88 KB, 800x800, ad0bcda9-745c-4777-8031-e6….png)


Don't promote this site anymore. You will only attract idiots whether might be coomers, /pol/tards with ego bigger than Eiffel's Tower and Bunkerpussies.


The link to this website is on jakparty.soy as of now


File: 1692111315913.jpeg (138.67 KB, 1053x1077, 3C8C4A9E-A7EA-4C4E-B886-A….jpeg)

Let them come. We'll sort them out. The sidty is the ultimate quality filter.


Okay. Cool Tim Avery art style. Would like to see SotM Loki meet GoW Loki and MCU Loki with the makeup of a face SotM Loki had when more powerful


tranny art style ngl


Every time I hear that shit, I just think of that person as a black guy who shills Tariq Nasheed posting it to mock a White guy.
This shit also spawned many insufferable idiots who would call TF2 a tranny game because some ftm played it or call a Milk cow tranny crap just because ftm drank it.

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