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File: 1682538149374.png (16.99 KB, 721x720, Cobby (frowning, looking d….png)


Dearest sidty, I would like to offer my most humble apology for my recent emotionally charged public ban messages. Going forward, I promise to remain more neutral.
I'm not going to delete any posts regarding altchans (advertising is not against the rules here), but going forward I'm not going to officially endorse or pan other altchans such as the jarty.
To be clear, the ban message with the CP spam accusation was NOT left because the person who made the post was advertising the jarty. It's because, concurrently, there was an ongoing catty wipe on the sharty where CP was posted, whilst someone was falseflagging as the sidty and spamming groypers. Then I saw a post here with similar wording and an image that was used during the spam, and I let my emotions get the best of me. Now that I actually think about it, it was probably ALSO a falseflag to make the jarty look bad on top of sidson.city.


ok make it a sidson.

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