/ivd/ - indie video game development+homebrew chiptune,trackers and modual music

the joke is that I don't like Video Games so this board is IV'd
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File: 1716592777908.webm (2.14 MB, 1920x1080, roll enemy animations don….webm)


Post the game you're working on right now! Here's my one DeadEyeDanny


File: 1716592863369.webm (2.16 MB, 1920x1080, crouching.webm)

Crouching I implemented a while ago and had to fix it


File: 1716592946882.webm (1.58 MB, 1920x1080, new menu new game.webm)

Main menu starting a game


add cdi link


File: 1716598684163.webm (1.8 MB, 1920x1080, enemy spawner.webm)

An enemy spawner, the code that deals with removing enemies from respawning when reentering rooms orignally fucked with this so that after killing the initial enemy the box would no longer spawn more enemies as it instantly removed them, this was fixed however


do it


File: 1716599962064.webm (2.82 MB, 1920x1080, falling platforms.webm)

Falling platforms done up properly with real animations


deltatroon killer


File: 1716603348280.webm (2.9 MB, 1920x1080, collectables gui event.webm)

Programmed in a while ago collectables that will go up into the score, they switch from obj's to gui sprites that are easier to manipulate to go into the score gui


File: 1716604958766.png (23.79 KB, 277x377, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1716605001048.png (138.13 KB, 277x377, ClipboardImage.png)

where nose?>>121


File: 1716605114353.png (7.14 KB, 800x800, image.png)

Official DeadNose




File: 1716605148923.png (119.23 KB, 2268x4032, image (1).png)



fnaf killer


File: 1716605328139.png (120.06 KB, 279x326, sidson robots.png)

where noseson?


File: 1716605600338-0.jpeg (275.1 KB, 675x952, 1671223049877.jpeg)

File: 1716605600338-1.png (934.5 KB, 1166x637, ClipboardImage.png)

do you enjoy Nose? (guterman 2005)


make it a sidson


File: 1716612691037-0.jpg (594.36 KB, 1480x1480, 1716128779728.jpg)

File: 1716612691037-1.png (2.99 MB, 1626x1287, 1714633739597.png)

add Sal Malvina


File: 1716612879013.png (118.88 KB, 590x500, ClipboardImage.png)

Where rogudeans?


first make xer a sidson and GASSY THOUGH


File: 1716613323694.gif (3.58 MB, 540x626, Ima be real with you cuh.gif)



File: 1716658826176.mp4 (1.46 MB, 640x360, 2024-05-25 20-35-00.mp4)

made this little flappybird clone for this semester's homework
code organization is shit though since it is my first project, hopefully this summer i can do something better


pretty cool project, I've always found trying to replicate another games features or gameplay can help you get a better understanding of how to programme new things, and don't worry about how clean the code is, as long as you learn (and don't code like yandere dev) it's all good, looking forward to whatever else you come up with



All the death sounds you could need. I can also do voices for Danny.


im wondering what engine or library are you using for this?



File: 1717374706828.png (6.06 MB, 1564x2144, Dead Eye Dan 80s box art.png)



File: 1717374880219.png (5.34 MB, 1564x2144, Dead Eye Danny Back cover.png)


File: 1717374909443-0.png (2.99 MB, 1564x2144, backcover background.png)

File: 1717374909443-1.png (208.88 KB, 816x336, dead eye dev logo.png)

File: 1717374909443-2.png (2.29 MB, 1564x2144, cheesy 80s background.png)

File: 1717374909443-3.png (2.62 MB, 1564x1680, dead eye danny bad box art….png)

File: 1717374909443-4.png (1.02 MB, 1690x864, savescreen guys.png)


File: 1717374929929-0.png (1022.88 KB, 1564x582, dead eye danny logo 2.png)

File: 1717374929929-1.png (244.29 KB, 1484x434, dead eye danny logo.png)

File: 1717374929929-2.png (653.19 KB, 684x1295, Macho bad box art danny.png)


File: 1717375769652-0.png (244.49 KB, 257x360, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1717375769652-1.png (6.55 MB, 1370x1967, ClipboardImage.png)

besides the obvious infamous megaman boxart its also a parody of the terrence hill lucky luke and Jaxxon from the Star Wars EU Legends


Super fighting rabbit


I'm using Gamemaker Studio 2, sprites I've done myself, sfx are either royalty free sounds or made in chiptone


I love the box art so much, thank you for creating it


File: 1717554966810-0.png (247.34 KB, 602x659, comic danny.png)

File: 1717554966810-1.png (307.06 KB, 584x197, ClipboardImage.png)

Designed a "Comic" version of danny.


File: 1719389733578-0.jpg (2.55 MB, 4032x3024, 20240624_142515.jpg)

File: 1719389733578-1.jpg (2.56 MB, 4032x3024, 20240624_142510.jpg)

File: 1719389733578-2.jpg (1.12 MB, 2042x2312, 20240624_142503.jpg)

Drew some concepts for DeadEyes aunt Lucia




File: 1719680110722.webm (2.59 MB, 1920x1080, sprites based on aiming d….webm)

due to a suggestion I have updated the game to have sprites that change based on the aiming direction of the player, he aims forward and back when he runs or is standing still


can you add like mushrums und cupas und goombas und pipes with poop flowing out of them? Also please add Mario and Luigi and Dinner and YTPs


you should porbably make her look more like him abstract wise in game ya know?


add a zip bomb


File: 1722049320637.png (1.29 MB, 942x948, jimmy dancadirsle gassy.png)


ID'd! thank you muchly! do elaborate btw?


where nose?


i wonder what aunt lucia will think of this; Do elaborate?


File: 1722049737595.png (122.68 KB, 300x147, A8961C3D-365C-4EE1-B364-71….png)

The Sidty style most inappropriate dual wield depth plunge fisting punishment of the jewish globalist continues.
For undesirables made so through their tap water poisoning all rediscover truth, way and life in The USA, defeating the globalists.






where nose


nose elaborate btw?



File: 1724174808692.webm (6.71 MB, 1920x1080, 3d motorcycle is real 8mb.webm)

psuedo 3d movement for an autoscroller gimmick level, despite some odd collision it works for now


that is actually amazing,can you add a hobby horses head to the motorcycle?


No I love her I just don't want to have the art contradicting itself I think its wonderful!!!


Dairas came straight from the crater 'till I boarded the vent. Used a skull for a latch and not one Daira's figured it out




add a real bomb


attached to real copies of the game i mean


Can you make DeadEye with a massive vore belly having eaten all the bosses?


no make ant lucia eat dead ass instead and make xer say a funny pun about it


there should be a loch on technology feature in that u can leech dead eye on to any one of youre favorite steam games in the vain of sonich and nuchles but rather more akin to the turbo glitch in wreck it ralph because it puts dead eyes bitmap sprites in every thing even over textured 3d games so that its a mumbo jumbo mish mash of dead eye mad ness abstract wise in each and every game it infects ya know


I wish that was real, I think I'll draw some fun art of deadeye in other games I like


I do not like the pair of you


make xim fight turbo from reck it ralph the flying psy bug kind from the end final boss of the movie and make xim say WELL COME TO THE BOSS LEVEL

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