/meta/ - Sidcity Meta

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File: 1673345146107.gif (2.68 MB, 300x300, gemmy dance gif.gif)


>old sharty rules, except for the doxing one because nobody ever got banned for it
>no captcha
>no wordfilters
>Boards are /suggest/ /soy/ /qa/ /trump/ /b/ /ent/ /int/ /sneed/ /raid/ and /x/
>/soy/ and /qa/ are SFW
>Public ban log so jannies are accountable
>Hide post button like what kuz added but he removed for no reason
>archive so spam doesn't matter because your thread isn't gone for good.
>spin text, glow text, blue text, orange text, ETC
>Tor is allowed
>Self insert dust and namefagging is allowed


you should check out jak.soy
I think this will be like the Heyuri equivalent


With less neckbeards and kiddy diddlers, I hope.


no /sneed/
only /sotm/.




I think you mean ID'd my good friend


My god just make a fucking .onion address for this place already, posting from Tor is fucking horrible because of RBL blocking 4 out of 5 attempts at posting from Tor.

Also, I hereby request /pol/ and /furry/ as well as /furrypol/


We might make /yiffpol/ for the fun of it but we still want to beat the allegations so keep that in mind. We are working on a .onion Aswell.

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