/sid/ - Sidson

World's greatest soyjak character guy based on Virtuosity,
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Stop Jak on sid violence


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a vicious gang of jak's brutally shoot an innocent sidson in cold blood, date: unknown


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Stop jak on sid violence…
Start sid on jak violence!

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We at Sidson.city care about the health of our refugees and tourists, especially from the sharty.

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"and the big mean bouncer muttered, ‘I said ID,not IV’”

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Hop on the sidstream


The skies are all cloudy all day

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"Regresive IV genes"-Sidquid

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"The IV'd disposal facility on Russia's Franz Joseph Island was attacked and captured by next-generation special A-logs being led by members of /qa/. They're demanding that the government turn over the remains of Soot and they say that if their demands are not met within 24 hours, they'll launch a DDOS attack."
"You'll have two mission objectives: First, you are to rescue Sidson.city Mayor Vinluv Anton Handesbukia and the President of Kolyma, Leonid Kozakov. Both are being held as hostages. Secondly, you are to investigate whether or not the A-logs have the capability to launch a DDOS attack and stop them if they do."




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That's why you're the best sid

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Only by accepting Sid in your heart you can archive enlightmen


The sheila should be giving him an ID,though that's quite contradictory to Buddhist beliefs lol.

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New pikmin 4 pikmin leaked, the sidmin.

Like bulbmins, sidmins are inmune to all hazards and cant go to the surface, but Sidmin's onion can be used as a tank-like machine that fires seeds.

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Come home,Sid man

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