/sid/ - Sidson

World's greatest soyjak character guy based on Virtuosity,
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File: 1682804032483-1.jpg (33 KB, 732x414, ZomboMeme 29042023233046.jpg)


New SidSoy and Chad avery

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File: 1682777794316-1.png (343.38 KB, 1389x927, ZLECIENIErrr.png)


I never drawn her before? I hope that she looks nice!


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Very cute interpretation!


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Another set of formal female Sidson!


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Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time you are near?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you
Why do stars fall down from the sky
Every time you walk by?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you

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An ID'd man in an IV'd place can make all the difference in the world.


Great Sidson edit right here


Where’s the V-Man?

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"You're siddy good"

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Pepperman would be a sidty top poster


Oh most definitley

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"Professor S here, i'm talking to you telepathically for you to upload homemade sidsons at sidson.city. I repeat upload handcrafted sidsons at the sidty immediatly"




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m-m-m-m-make m-me!



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They dont have anything in common and hate eachother
1 post and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1682184811624.png (252.02 KB, 540x476, sidconvo.png)

gave sidcube a sweet little suit and tie.


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Voxson is adorable
Nice digits btw


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he's my new favorite sidson besides #retro pixson


They both agree that "Le Fils Du Masque" is the greatest film ever made, thoughever.

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nice of Shelia to invite us over to the Sidty eh anon?
14 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Tranime Treehouse, perhaps? I could only seeing it relating to the 'sharty if you play up the "trans" part of "tranime". Hide some references to Discord groomers in it and you're golden.


Sounds great>>658


I'm gonna make a Hotel Sidson mod who's with me?


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Sidnon's brother, Sidymous

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Only in the sidty


Long pie the siddy way

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