/the/ - Theology

Let there be sid
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In the Greek New Testament there are three words that are Platonic in origin: πνεῦμα (pneuma), Ψυχή (psyche) and σῶμα (sóma). This is what pre-Christian Greeks thought that man was made of.
In Ulfila's New Testament the word 𐍃𐌰𐌹𐍅𐌰𐌻𐌰 (saiwala) appears for the first time. The word pneuma is translated as ahma. In other words: there is no word for soul in the Greek language.


I once had a sеx with greek bitch and she was damn hot, but on the next day I found out she was jewish. I did put my dick into oven


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You have to gas your dick. Delouse it.


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Zyklon shower.


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It was real in their minds.


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Don't show the first Mp4 to weedeewoo


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We won't.


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>The question about religious affiliation was dropped from 1960 and 1970 census due to the demand of Jewish groups.
>Revelation of the true number of Jews in the U.S would undermine the myth that the Nazis killed six million Jews. The truth is, there are six million more Jews in the U.S than Jewish organizations admit…The Immigration Service reports that there are 8 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. Actually, there are at least 14 million.

It is good that you don’t show it.


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OP here, why are you talking about jews, but not dropping any word on the topic of what was said?


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>The central ideas of heaven and a fiery hell appear to come directly from the Israelite contact with Iranian religion.  Pre-exilic books are explicit in their notions the afterlife:  there is none to speak of.
>Some say that the Hebrew ge-hinnom is fiery hell independent of Persian influences.  But all references to ge-hinnom refer explicitly to a definite geographic place, the valley of Hinnom outside Jerusalem.
>The word paradis is Persian in origin and the concept spread to all Near Eastern religions in that form.  “Eden” not “Paradise” is mentioned in Genesis, and paradise as an abode of light does not appear in Jewish literature until late books such as Enoch and the Psalm of Solomon.

Jews have no original thoughts whatsoever.


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No worries, buddy. It was nothing.


The eternal plagiarizer.


I was quite anxious for a while but now that feeling has dissipated.


Liars and thieves.


Ancient greeks were hebrew


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Greeks had sex with little boys.


That's because Zeus liked young boys.


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The metaphysical ramification is that the Greeks worshipped homosexuals.


Which is the gayest: being a homosexual or worshipping a homosexual?


Worshipping a gay god is worse. It means that you do not have to be gay but still you forfeit your heterosexuality in favour of divine ass rape.


Yall never had any pussy in your life suckass


That's because everyone in this thread is Greek and gay.


Agreed. Sudden god penis surprise is not exactly nice.


I am a gay Greek man and I can confirm this.


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>god penis surprise

I want some of that.


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>In Zukunft darf daher Blausäure nur noch zur Vergasung von Baracken in Konzentrationslägern verwendet werden.
In the future therefore, cyanide gas may only be used for the fumigation of barracks in the concentration camps.
- Joachim Mrugowsky, SS Hygiene Institute

Mega homosexual.


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The faggiest fag that had so many cocks in his ass.


Erections everywhere.


Large Johnson and huge Willy.


Penis multiplied by a trillion.


Giga Schlong.


An autistic amount.


Mega penis.


Asperger ascension.


Monster cock.


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Mister Literal.


40 feet long.


No nuances.


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Preferably uncircumcised.


Taking everything at face value.


Being circumcised is comedic gold.


Retarded but cute.


Schizo ritual for Jews.


Drooling mongoloids.


Some random voice in the desert said they need it.


People that smile without knowing why.


The eternal delusion among the tribes of hooknosed swindlers.


Bliss because they lack understanding.


Mutilating you dick because a voice told you to? 100% mentally stable.


where sidson?


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He's in Mecca and he's wearing female attire.


The creator of the universe is extremely interested in dick skin. Out of all the things he manifested with his omnipotent power he chose the cock hide to be removed because he is obsessed with penis appearance.


To me, muslims sound like gypsies trying to peddle fake jewelry. You ask them a simple question: how do you empirically prove your faith is correct? They say you don't need evidence. They say that they will go to heaven because the whole point is to not see god. This touches on the subject of idolatry and imagery in Islam. The strong aversion to depictions of the prophet Muhammad was the influence of Jewish converts to Islam (Isra’iliyat) such as the Yemenite Jew Ka’b al-Ahbar, who converted to Islam in 638 and, who is frequently cited as an authority for hadith, and the Jewish converts to Islam and early expositors of the Koran, ‘Abd Allah ibn Abbas, Abu Huraira and Wahb ibn Munabbih, whom, brought into Islam the longstanding Jewish opposition to images and which came to the fore in the second half of the 8th century under the Abbasid Caliphate and which has been a force in parts of Islamic society from that point onwards.


Down Syndrome to the maximum.


True. Dicks are the apples of his eye.


Chromosome overload.


Islam is a larp religion.


How many retards are retarded beyond retardation? It's a huge number.


Cock of life.


Muslims are 100% imbeciles.


Schlong of virility.


muslims are sid


muslims are pedophiles


Ultra penis.


Too much dogmatism.


The cock of all cocks.


pedophile rapists


No original thoughts.


Thick and long.


muhammad in a nutshell


Monster cock.


parroting scripture like retards


schizophrenic arab in the desert


girth like a can of coke


no actual substance


raping goats


stretching the orifice to the limit


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giant fucking butt destroyer cock
jizz treatment all over their tits and asses


that's how brown people behave


endless idiocy


cum on their faces


shitskins in a nutshell


brown retards


stretch their pussies


nut full of feces


average arab


queef and squirt

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