/gen/ - General

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Fuck this shit website



File: 1692106357812.png (1.36 MB, 1920x1080, sidson.city migration.png)


Personally, I was just coming here for vacation. But I think I'll stay.
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Improved ID


File: 1692134614266.png (2.34 MB, 1920x1080, Sidty sunshine.PNG)

There's a great, big, Sidtyful tomorrow
ID’s sprouting from the corpse of the sharty
There's a great, big, Sidtyful tomorrow
And The Sidty's just a click away
Vath had a bright ID’ea and that's the start
He follows his dream with mind and heart
And when it becomes a reality
It's an ID we call Sidson dot City!
So there's a great, big, sidtyful tomorrow
ID’s sprouting from the corpse of the sharty
There's a great, big, Sidtyful tomorrow
Just a click away


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Someone cover this bright ID’ea



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We are so back.

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Wow we're back

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Sharty users raid retarded boards and attract retarded users who spam retarded garbage and they wonder why so many retards spam on their sex dungeon.
They raided /qa/ on sharty just because of 'zellig garbage and bitched about that shit being 'cord idea. What's next? Gonna ban impjak and cobson because 'cord used it once?


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impjak is too gemmy to get rid of

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>It's over - for good this time.
>I am sad to say this, but the party will be shutting down as of tonight. I was not able to raise enough money personally to keep the site online. This page is meant as a memorial for the fun times we all had on the site and all the memories we made along the way laughing at funny soyjaks and spreading our culture everywhere across the internet. If at some point in the future there is a person willing to purchase the site from me and pay the bills for the site, then I will restore the site and all of us can return to the home of 'jakking. I love you all, and I really wish things could of been any other way. Thank (You) for being a true gem, and I pray that I will see you all again soon.

>With love and regret,

>Doll - doll@goatse.email


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I shan't forget you sharty, you will always live on through me.

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marge why am I blocked from angeleno's bunker?

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Bring back marge.city
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The same spam Angeleno's bunker got and (presumably?) Jarty. I don't want to deal with that shit.


It's back here: https://margecity.proboards.com/
I'm trying to get the domain connected to it, but I'm giving it a bit to unshit itself.


http://marge.city should redirect to the forum now



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Let's talk about anime/shonen inspired indie videogames featuring trains


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unless this is a parody of the "bellhop" cast members than otherwise keep up the Good larp fellow sidtyzen

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Xisters, is this our new home?




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croat's autism makes him believe that troonjaks are forced by niggers to mock the white males

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