/gen/ - General

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File: 1683567074249.png (80.35 KB, 350x192, ClipboardImage.png)


KEEEK this handsome fellow spent $50 on this
The price for a Jon tts 312.5 tokens. You can buy 350 tokens for 29.99 more than 20 dollars less than stated.


how do you spend 50$ on a text message


File: 1683575362655-0.jpeg (111.98 KB, 1033x420, 6C87E4E3-6B6D-4CB9-9BFC-4….jpeg)

File: 1683575362655-1.jpeg (72.83 KB, 1074x499, 692F12C5-58A3-4F45-B7BE-A….jpeg)

Keeeeeeeek he doesn’t know that prices change over time


What even is this?




File: 1683587100759.png (296.6 KB, 775x991, Cobby (twitter).png)

ah ok

File: 1683491384101.jpg (90.34 KB, 992x744, FvjU2h8WIAUoWbe (1).jpg)




Spinachads can't stop winning!
Burgerchuds can't stop losing!



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Unicorn: Warriors Eternal is rated TV-Y7 and it's on Adult Swim.
What is Cartoon Network smoking?


was this post so good you had to make it twice?



Moved to >>>/coc/69.

File: 1683404569709.png (599.1 KB, 799x800, aihungryearth.png)


I find Soyjaks boring these days. No matter how some turn out to be somewhat interesting or funny, they just aren't my thing anymore
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.









Mbvruh… after seeing 2 IV'dly catties in a row on /soy/ I'm kinda scared to go there. o_o

File: 1683415452182.gif (250.97 KB, 417x417, 3dgifmaker11377.gif)


NEW: in commemoration of the 1k GET


Join today!

File: 1683407231798.gif (764.05 KB, 480x288, sid ass.gif)




File: 1683407915550.jpeg (39.74 KB, 603x337, son of the mcnutt.jpeg)

Im so proud of this community

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why do all the images 404 doe


it’s only old image thumbnails


Server error add shows and make it a sidson

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Sidson and sheila


Powerful sidsonian phsiognomy

File: 1683043575527.png (553.39 KB, 1024x1024, sidsontry.png)


trying to sidmax my fucked up face through daily 60 minutes of mewing, is it working guys?


Try more veal

File: 1683060555255.jpeg (27.93 KB, 614x582, 1683025963453.jpeg)


delete the childporn I already sent 2 FBI tips
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


url still up in catty


Fixing it. One second


ok fixed. Also fixed is that now the catty updates on new replies and not just new threads like how it was before. Not sure how I never caught that


When I get back to my computer I’m gonna fix the reporting system.


I'm so proud of this community

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