/gen/ - General

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File: 1692077766647.png (830.53 KB, 747x800, belief-1.png)


so where is the ip list


In 'cado's coin slot.

File: 1692217361460.jpg (173.57 KB, 750x708, 1684923678155.jpg)


I got blocked from posting on the 'unker


File: 1692217969997.gif (3.78 MB, 480x360, 344A3564-419E-4F77-A659-10….gif)

Picture if you will,a board where these posts are tolerated and encouraged wait it already exist it's called
>>>/lee/ you stupid dumb dumb


Moved to >>>/lee/43.

File: 1692203063872.gif (3.78 MB, 480x360, The Sidty Limits.gif)


There is nothing wrong with your computer. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are now controlling the transmission. We control the horizontal and the vertical. We can deluge you with a thousand tabs or expand one single pixel to crystal clarity and beyond. We can shape your vision to anything our imagination can conceive. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the deepest inner mind to
The Sidty limits

>December 16,2022

>Sidson.city was launched quietly amidst the second soyvil war.

>Beyond the glitz and glitter of a booming coal mining industry stood solemnly an institution dedicated to only the finest of ID'd content.

>Sidson.city itself was an ID in it's own right.

>A beacon for the soyjakking elite.

>Now, something is about to happen that will change all that."

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

File: 1692199994485.png (65.79 KB, 400x400, 1600940033156.png)


Wiki Bunker has ‘p spamming…


File: 1692200202000.png (215.01 KB, 1200x800, wwyct.png)

I saw


its so over

File: 1692156547986.png (739.43 KB, 1436x1847, 8917aedee70192c0748b18971d….png)


I'm surprised Vinluv is still posting tbh. Most other sharty oldfags got bored and left long ago.


Vinluv is not an oldfag albeit


he was participating in kym raids before sharty was even conceived thoughever


He is an ancientfag doe

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Who is sidson doe


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this man



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add /zellig/


no. We tried already but you didn't give into the paywall. cough up the dough or no zerty.


File: 1692075103747.png (82.32 KB, 600x800, soyjak 20 (neutral face).png)

zelligGODs won't even cough up $5 for Massa's paywalled shit what makes you think they would pay for a 1 post per day board


even tho massa used a random dutch patreon that was international-hostile

tsmt, sharty culture w



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daily momoko thread


make her a sidson

File: 1692139816690.gif (2.55 MB, 400x640, 1690400813313.gif)


>Sidson is a furGOD IRL

<FurGODS own the 'siddy


File: 1681559823175.png (154.99 KB, 970x530, ClipboardImage.png)


explain this?
26 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


dutchtoon albeit


isn't this the "KYS FNF PEDO NIGGER" guy?


File: 1690902005923.png (227.36 KB, 598x759, bernd weird.png)

it went down kek IV'dligshits can't even keep a dead 'chan up for more than a year




aryangemerald zelligGOD

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