/gen/ - General

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File: 1690091379408.png (316.43 KB, 475x500, Screenshot 2023-07-22 2245….png)


I have wrought IV'd IV'd unto the Sidson nation, it's so over!




He made the IV’d sidson


Punishable by death without a proper alibi


You can make it up,just make new sidsons

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WGE protest post from ManletThorin made me think that executives can be responsible for making writing shittier than it seems, but they can also improve the writing with a Little help.


Let the fire rage on. I want it to turn into ash.


The writers guild smells like rotten penises

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any sidders?
3 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Where do I post my Cobsons then?


File: 1690016277866.gif (598.23 KB, 480x480, Cobby (football player).gif)

anywhere you like nigga, who's stopping you?


Into the trashcan


That made me sad.


It makes me glad

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Somebody make a test with the sidty


Make that jak a sidson first

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>Where is my marge board?
3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Bringe back marge.city. Now.


make it a sidson


Marge.city will be bombed.


Feck off!


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Feck… On?

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Vinluv what's your kiwifarms account?


VinluvHandesbukia but that implies that kiwi farms is still functionable


Fret not fellow Kiwichud, it is still accessible both over Tor and the clearnet using the sneed.today domain.

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Good morning sirs


Moved to >>>/sidraid/35.

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Moved to >>>/sidraid/37.

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ey karumba


You must convince them to go on Sidson.city


Total Sidson conversion


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Total Sidson victory

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rate my look 1-10


i give it a 10.


thank you so much.


Make him a sidson

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