/gen/ - General

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Make peace with your devils no more brother wars
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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Wipe us down and we’ll brap even stronger than before


Two on the left image decide to mock little boys who were groomed by whores


Two on the right were mocked by little boys groomed by whores any difference?


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The TRUTH about Pipca…


Pipca didn’t gas xerself

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Welcome to vinCHAD's Fat-Fur heaven
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Hello Freddy, you filthy turn-coat you.


Xe's right sidbros


I want to see fanarts of Big the Cat here. John St Jon, the guy who voices Duke Nukem and Postal 4 Dude, voiced him.


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Croatian hands typed this post


Serbian feet typed this post

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My friend came across this gentleman's picture while searching his local Facebook marketplace for car parts. The funny thing is, he posted his face as a product photo. You think he has 'jak potential?




I'm not going there until Kuz gets the 'p problem under control. In the meantime, I will be posting my 'jakies here. The bouncers will just have to deal with it.


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Like every Jak there is a Sid to counteract it


Don't forget,you're here forever


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Nah, I can leave whenever I feel like it.

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Super AI Marios


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So cool




Rasta Mario made of wood, real boy jepetto understood!

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Kuz will always be ID’d.


Moved to >>>/meta/171.

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Welcome to sidson.city's General / Random board.


Moved to >>>/test/11.

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>no cp
>no shitdick
>no trannies
>owner that's not hated by half the userbase
i'm thinking ID'd.


Thank you,but please DO make it a sidson.


what part of "/gen/" do you not understand


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I don't care.


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For more info

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There are two boards I know and they don't appear in catalog for all boards on the left and I think you should add them.
/pava/ and /critic/ are missing.
Also, please, add on the top all the boards while browsing a certain board.



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Fred and Barney


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